
Storage Conditions Of Masi Fish Meal
10 months ago

Masi focuses on building warehouses to meet the conditions for storing fishmeal products. So, fishmeal at Masi is always of the best quality before being shipped to Customers.

Quality Standards Of Masi Fish Meal
11 months ago

Fishmeal raw materials are in high demand due to the growing animal feed industry. To meet the demands of Customers, Masi offers fishmeal products that meet both high yields and st...

Masi And Local Economic Development
1 year ago

Local economic development is inevitable and considered an important factor in helping promote comprehensive economic development. At Masi, We aim for the business's sustainable de...

The Production of Masi Fish Meal
1 year ago

Our fishmeal products are suitable for a wide range of animal species, offering essential nutrients for the growth and development of livestock, poultry, and aquatic products. Let’...

The Use Of Fish Oil In Animal Feeds
1 year ago

Fish oil is an essential factor in livestock, poultry, and aquaculture. It is vital to ensure that animals receive the proper nutrients to stimulate their growth and development.

Sources Of Raw Material For Fish Meal Production
1 year ago

Fish meal is one of the raw materials for producing animal feed with high protein content, fully supplementing essential nutrients for the growth and development of livestock. To u...